The English version of the Privacy Policy follows the Japanese version.
第1条 (利用者情報及び個人情報)
第2条 (プライバシーポリシーへの同意)
第3条 (当社が本サービスにおいて取得する情報)
第4条 (利用者情報の利用目的)
第5条 (利用者情報の使用の法的根拠)
第6条 (利用者情報の提供(個人情報保護法における第三者提供を含む))
(a) 本サービスの向上、関連事業開発、提携企業のマーケティング等の目的で利用者情報を集計及び分析、広告配信等する際に、これらの専門業者に対して利用者情報を提供する場合
(b) 個人情報の開示や利用について利用者の同意がある場合
(c) 利用者が希望するサービスを提供する目的で、提携先等第三者が個人情報を必要とする場合(なお、当該提携先等の第三者は、当社が提供した個人情報をサービス提供のために必要な範囲を超えて利用することはできません
(d) 法令に基づく場合
(e) 当社、利用者その他第三者の生命、身体もしくは財産、または当社が提供するサービスの保護のために必要がある場合
(f) 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合
(g) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合、これらの者から正当に開示を求められた場合
第7条 (取得した個人情報の共同利用)
第8条 (取得した個人情報の委託)
第9条 (個人情報の開示、訂正及び利用停止等)
(5)利用者の権利又は正当な利益が害されるおそれがある場合 -
① 氏名・住所・電話番号・メールアドレス
② 請求内容・経緯・根拠資料
③ 本人確認資料
④ その他、当社が必要であると判断した情報及び資料 -
① 利用者又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
② 多額の費用を要する場合、その他当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
③ 個人情報保護法、又はその他法令に違反することとなる場合
④ 利用者ご本人からの請求であることが確認できない場合
第10条 (Cookie等)
当社は本サービスを通じて、Cookieを利用者が利用するブラウザに送信し、その技術を利用することがあります。 これにより、当社は、利用者の閲覧履歴、サービス利用履歴、参照元、個人が特定できない属性情報等を取得することがあります。利用者は、利用者自身でブラウザの設定を変更することで、Cookieの受け入れを無効化したり、拒否したりする事ができます。利用者がCookieを無効化し、又は拒否した場合、本サービスの一部が適切に動作しない場合がありますのでご留意ください。
当社は、Googleが提供するGoogleアナリティクスを利用しています。当社は、Googleが当社またはGoogleの設定するCookieをもとにして利用者の閲覧履歴を収集し、分析した結果を受け取り、利用者の利用状況の把握や、当社のサービスに利用する場合があります。GoogleによるGoogle アナリティクスにおけるデータの取扱いについては、同社のサイトをご覧ください。
「GOOGLE のサービスを使用するサイトやアプリから収集した情報の GOOGLE による使用
前項に関連して、広告配信事業者等は、Cookie、アクセスデータ、当社識別子および利用者の属性情報を利用して、利用者の趣味・嗜好に沿った広告を配信することがあります。利用者は、広告配信事業者等のオプトアウトページにアクセスし、無効化 (オプトアウト) することにより、広告配信事業者等によるCookieおよびアクセスデータの利用を停止できる場合があります。その場合、利用者の趣味・嗜好に沿った広告が配信されなくなったり、同じ広告が繰り返し配信されたりすることがあります。無効化 (オプトアウト) したい場合は、各広告配信事業者等のプライバシーポリシー及びオプトアウトページへアクセスし、各広告配信事業者等のサイトの手順に従い、設定をしてください。
第11条 (リンク)
第12条 (データ管理者及び問い合わせ窓口)
本サービスにおけるデータ管理者は、以下のとおりです。株式会社ロックミー 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1丁目11-3 ポータルポイント渋谷305
代表取締役 小林宗織 -
第13条 (漏えい等の報告等)
第14条 (利用者情報の記録保存期間)
第15条 (改訂)
本プライバシーポリシーを変更する場 合、当社は本サービスのWebサイトへの掲示その他当社が適当と判断した方法により、あらかじめ変更後の本プライバシーポリシーの内容および効力発生時期を通知します。ただし、法令上利用者の同意が必要となる変更を行う場合は、当社が法令の定めに従い、適当と判断した方法により同意を得るものとします。なお、利用者が通知において指定された期日以後に本サービスを利用した場合には、法令上その効力を否定される場合を除き、変更後の本プライバシーポリシーに同意したものとみなされます。
第16条 (EU域外からの利用者情報移転)
第17条 (EU域内からの利用者の権利)
(8) データ保護監督機関に不服を申し立てる権利
2023年11月1日 制定
Privacy Policy
Rock me, Inc. (“Rock me,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) maintains the following Privacy Policy on the handling of user information in the service Twilight which we provide.
Section 1 (User Information and Personal Information)
“User Information” means information on users (including visitors to our website, same applies below) that use services (the “Service”) that we provide through our website or app.
“Personal Information” has the meaning (including the meaning as revised in case of revision) provided in Article 2, Item 1 of Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act.
Section 2 (Agreement to Privacy Policy)
By viewing our website or app, registering with the Service, or otherwise using the Service, users have agreed to this Privacy Policy.
Section 3 Information We Collect in the Service
We may collect the following user information from users in the Service. To use the Service, you need to provide us with the user information under subsections 1 and 2, and if you cannot provide it, you may not be able to use all or part of the Service.
Device information (We may collect information specific to the information device a user is using, such as OS type, ways of identifying the device individually, computer name, or ad ID, and we may associate ad IDs with internal identifiers assigned to users.)
Online identifiers such as cookie IDs, information on the device you are using, referrers, browsing history, or other service usage information (including access logs, IP addresses, browser information, and browser language settings)
Information from communications with our Customer Support
Feedback information from from users such as reviews and complaints
Other information that we collect directly from users through usage of the Service by users or communications from users
Section 4 (Purposes for Which We Use User Information)
We use user information that we have collected for the following purposes, and we will strive to use information appropriately within the scope of such purposes.
Operating the Service (includes provision by us to users of any information to respond to inquiries, make push notifications, or for other purposes that we list within the Service)
Communications regarding matters (including, but not limited to, substantial changes and temporary interruptions in the contents of the Service) that have a significant effect on the operation of the Service with respect to users
Communications to request agreement from users with regard to handling of personal information
Creation of statistical information related to usage or other aspects of the Service, publication in the Service or our web services, etc., and provision to third parties
Usage in marketing analysis in relation the Service as well as research and development in general to improve convenience in the Service (if we entrust some research and development tasks to a third party, we will remove any personally identifiable information before doing so)
Announcing information on changes in terms and the like
Responding to acts violating our terms or other rules related to the Service
Displaying content, ads, and the like, optimized for users’ attributes, tastes, etc., based on our analysis of those attributes, tastes, etc., and sending messages by methods such as browser notifications
Accurately understanding and answering inquiries to us as well as sending information and other such communications
Monitoring improper conduct by users
In cases where we use functions to reproduce the actions of users on our website, viewing, recording, and analyzing data necessary to identify causes of system problems and improve services provided to other service users
Section 5 (Legal Grounds for Usage of User Information)
Our usage of user information for the purposes in the preceding section is based on the following legal grounds.
Subsections 1, 2, 7, 9 and 10 in the preceding section are based on our performance of our obligations with respect to the Service.
Subsections 3 and 6 of the preceding section are based on our compliance with legal obligations.
Provisions other than those mentioned above are based on agreement by users as well as our providing good service to users as a legitimate interest of Rock me and users.
Section 6 (Provision of User Information (Including Provision to Third Parties Under the Personal Information Protection Act))
We will not disclose user information (including personal information), in whole or in part, except in the cases provided below, to third parties other than the user in question. Users consent to our providing third parties with user information, in whole or in part, in the following cases. Moreover, if we provide personal information to a third party under the Personal Information Protection Act, we will undergo the necessary procedures including the creation of records of our providing personal information to the third party in accordance with the provisions of said act.
(a) Cases where we are aggregating and analyzing user information, distributing ads, etc., for purposes such as improving the Service, related business development, and marketing by partners, and we provide user information to specialists in these areas
(b) Cases where we have users’ consent regarding disclosure and usage of personal information
(c) Cases where business partners or other third parties need personal information for the purpose of providing services desired by users (moreover, personal information provided by us cannot be used by said business partners or other third parties beyond the scope necessary for service provision)
(d) Cases where it is prescribed by law or regulation
(e) Cases where it is necessary to protect the life, health, or property of Rock me, users, or third parties, or to protect the services that we provide
(f) Cases where it is specifically necessary to promote the improvement of public health or sound development of children
(g) Cases where it is necessary to cooperate in the performance of work, stipulated by law or regulation, of government agencies or local authorities, or those contracted by such entities, and cases where disclosure is legitimately requested by such entities or individuals
Section 7 (Sharing of Personal Information that We Collect)
If we need business partners to carry out tasks in cooperation with us in providing the Service to users, we may share users’ personal information with those business partners. Before sharing in such a case, we will announce to users separately the nature and purpose of the sharing, scope of information, scope of business partners, names and addresses of responsible parties, and names of corporate representatives where applicable.
Section 8 (Contractor Usage of Personal Information that We Collect)
We may, within the scope necessary to achieve our usage purposes, engage contractors to conduct some or all handling of personal information, such as payment processing or other tasks in the Service. In such cases, we will thoroughly review contractor qualifications as well as establish provisions for the duty of confidentiality when making contractual agreements, and we will create systems for the proper management of information through contractor supervision and the like.
Section 9 (Disclosure, Correction, Discontinuation of Usage, etc., of Personal Information)
If we are asked by a user to disclose personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, then upon verifying that the request is from the user in question, we will promptly disclose the personal information to the extent that we are obligated to make such disclosure by the Personal Information Protection Act. Moreover, in disclosing the personal information, we may charge a disclosure fee in accordance with procedures that we establish separately.
If we are asked by a user to discontinue usage of or erase personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, then in any of the cases below, upon verifying that the request is from the user in question, we will promptly conduct any necessary investigation, and based on the results, we will discontinue usage of or erase the personal information and notify the user to that effect.
(1) If we are asked to correct personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act because such information is not true
(2) If it is because personal information is being used beyond the scope of our previously announced usage purposes or because it was collected through deception or other improper means
(3) If we no longer need to use the user’s personal information
(4) If we leak, lose, or damage the user’s personal information, or other circumstances stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Act or regulations arise
(5) If there is a risk of harm to the user’s rights or legitimate interests -
If we are asked by a user to make corrections, additions, or deletions to the user’s personal information, where the user’s personal information is not true or as otherwise required by the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, then upon verifying that the request is from the user in question, and after investigation, we will make the corrections, etc., to the personal information and notify the user to that effect.
If a user’s personal information is being provided to a third party in violation of this Privacy Policy or the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, the user can request that we stop providing the personal information to the third party.
If we are asked by a user to disclose records on the provision of personal information to third parties, then upon verifying that the request is from the user in question, we will promptly disclose said records to the extent that we are obligated to make such disclosure by the Personal Information Protection Act. Moreover, in making said disclosure, we may charge a disclosure fee in accordance with procedures that we establish separately.
At the time of a request in the preceding subsections, we ask that you provide/send the information/documentation in the items below to us at the contact address provided later in this document.
1 Name, address, phone number, and email address
2 Request details, circumstances, and supporting documentation
3 Identity documentation
4 Other information and documentation that we deem necessary -
For any of the reasons in the items below, we may not be able to fulfill a request based on the provisions of this section. In that event, we will give the user notice to that effect as well as an explanation of the reason. However, in the case of item 2, depending on the type of request from the user, we may take necessary and appropriate alternative measures to protect the rights and interests of the user.
1 If it could harm the life, health, property, or other rights or interests of a user or third party.
2 If it would require a large expense, or if it could otherwise significantly impede the reasonable execution of our business
3 If it would violate the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws or regulation
4 If we cannot verify that the request is from the user in question
Section 10 (Cookies, etc.)
Through the service, we send cookies to browsers used by users, and we may use that technology. In this way, we may collect users’ browsing history, service usage history, referrers, non-personally identifiable attribute information, and the like. Users themselves can disable acceptance of or reject cookies by changing their browser settings. Please note that if a user disables or rejects cookies, some of the Service may not function properly.
We use Google Analytics, which is provided by Google. Google collects and analyzes a user’s browsing history based on cookies set by us or Google. We receive the results of that analysis and may use them to understand user usage or in our services. To learn more about how data is handled in Google Analytics by Google, please see Google’s website.
“How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services”
https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites -
If it is anticipated that information related to persons (as defined in the Personal Information Protection Act), such as cookies, will be collected by a third party information recipient to personally identify users, we will not provide said information related to persons to said third party except where we have the user’s consent or as provided in this Privacy Policy. In such a case, we will obtain the user’s consent (this includes agreement to this Privacy Policy), and on the basis of the Personal Information Protection Act as well as cabinet orders, we will specify individually any third party information recipients and identify the applicable information related to persons to the user as well as create records regarding provision to said third party.
When users enable receipt of cookies, third parties such as ad distributors like Google collect cookie information on the browsing history, etc., of users using the Service, and ads may be delivered in the ad space of ad distributors or others.
In relation to the preceding subsection, ad distributors or others may use cookies, access data, our identifiers, and user attribute information to deliver ads according to users’ interests and tastes. Users may be able to stop the use of cookies and access data by an ad distributor or other by accessing the opt-out page of the ad distributor or other and using the disable feature (opt-out). In such a case, ads may stop being delivered according to the user’s interests and tastes, and the same ads may be delivered repeatedly. If you would like to use the disable feature (opt-out), please browse to each ad distributor or other’s privacy policy and opt-out page and follow the procedures on each ad distributor or other’s website to change the settings.
Section 11 (Links)
With respect to websites provided by business operators other than us that are linked by our website and websites of advertisers appearing on our website, said business operators may collect user information, but in such cases, this Privacy Policy will not apply, and we bear no obligation or liability whatsoever in connection with the collection of user information by said business operators. Consequently, if users visit websites provided by business operators other than us that are linked by our website, such users do so at their own risk.
Section 12 (Data Manager and Contact Information)
The Data Manager for the Service is as follows.
Rock me, Inc., Portal Point Shibuya 305, 1-11-3 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0041
Representative Director: Muneori Kobayashi -
To contact us with questions or comments about the Data Manager or this Privacy Policy, to inquire about our secure personal information management measures in the following section or the handling of user information, or to make a request based on the Personal Information Protection Act, please use our contact form.
Section 13 (Reporting of leaks, etc.)
We take necessary and appropriate secure management measures to prevent personal information leaks, loss, and damage (“leaks, etc.”) and to otherwise securely manage personal information. If leaks, etc., or any other circumstances stipulated by Personal Information Protection Commission regulations occur, we will report the occurrence of said circumstances to the Personal Information Protection Commission pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act or other law.
When required by the preceding subsection, we will notify users of the occurrence of said circumstances pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act or other law. However, this does not apply in cases where notifying users would be burdensome, and we take necessary and appropriate alternative measures to protect users’ rights and interests.
Section 14 (Record Retention Period for User Information)
After the time a user has deleted an application connected with the Service from their mobile device, or after the time a user has not used the Service for an extended period, we will promptly and securely delete their user information unless it is needed for contractual or other processing purposes.
Section 15 (Revisions)
If we change this Privacy Policy, we will announce in advance the revised version of this Privacy Policy as well as its effective date with a posting on the Service’s website or by another method that we determine to be suitable. However, if we make a change for which we need users’ consent by law, we will obtain users’ consent by a method that we determine to be suitable in accordance with legal requirements. Moreover, if a user uses the Service after the date specified by the announcement, the user will be deemed to have consented to the revised version of this Privacy Policy unless it is found to be legally invalid.
Section 16 (User Information Transfers from Outside the EU)
We are located in Japan, so we may directly collect information from countries or regions inside the EU from users. The user information transferred consists of the information in Section 3.
Transfers of user information to Japan are based on the adequacy decision on cross-border data transfers obtained by the Japanese government. For the details of Japan’s adequacy decision, see the website of the European Commission.
Section 17 (Rights of Users Inside the EU)
If the user is a person located in the EU, and the GDPR applies, the user has the rights below. Whether or not this section applies to the user will be determined through such investigation as we prescribe. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact information provided above.
(1) Right of access
If we receive a request for access to user information from the user, we will provide a copy of it.
(2) Right of correction
The user can request that we correct inaccurate user information.
(3) Right of deletion
In certain cases, the user has the right to have us promptly delete user information regarding the user.
(4) Right to restrict processing
In certain cases, the user has the right to have us restrict our usage, etc., of user information.
(5) Right to data portability
The user has the right to receive user information concerning the user in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.
(6) Right to object
The user has the right to object to processing of the user’s user information where such processing is based on a need to process information for the sake of lawful interests pursued by Rock me or a third party.
(7) Right to not be subject to automated processing, including profiling
The user has the right to not be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which have legal effects on the user or similar significant effects on said user. Moreover, we do not conduct automated processing, including profiling, with regard to users’ user information.
(8) Right to file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority
The user has the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority at any time.
(9) Right to withdraw consent
If we need the user’s consent to use the user’s user information under this Privacy Policy, the user has the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
Effective: November 1st, 2023